One-stop ERP solution for Study Abroad agents

Students, Agents University
All in one place

Zilter offers a unified platform with industry-specific tools to efficiently manage students, universities, aggregators (or simply master agents), sub-agents, and various service providers. We have streamlined these complex processes and stakeholder management to be as simple as 1-2-3.


Why should you or staff do all the hard work that could be simply automated? We have automated workflows, Reporting, Invoicing, Sales followups, Email sequences, Whatsapp flow and campaigns and many many more. With Zilter we aim to save more time so to make your operations more productive and efficient.

Course finder

Zilter helps you integrate course finder on your website for your students, adding tons of value for your students, boosting your google ranking (SEO) and to generate quality leads. And same for your counsellors to be able to shortlist relevent course mapping the requirements and eligibility.

Quality & monitoring

Due to small team and limited resources, you may struggle to manage corporate level quality and monitoring processes. Zilter provides tools for you to monitor Call quality, Tone and attitude assessment, sentiment analysis, Whatsapp and Email masking and monitoring. Making your process fool-proof for better results.

Aggregator of Aggregators

You might work with Aggregators and also with sub-agents, Zilter provides you an opportunity to compare commissions and service delivery from different aggregators and helps you make the most financial rewarding decision with the best service quality based on reviews.

Finance Management

If you find managing invoices and following up for payments stressful, Zilter has created a fully comprehensive and automated finance module. It creates and send invoices and followup for payments for you, produces forecasts and essential reports to help you keep your finances at your finger tips.

Marketing Management

Your website, SEO, Online marketing, Facebook, Insta, Google, Offline events, referrals and many more channels of marketing could be managed efficietly from one login- Zilter.

Outbound Campaigns

Email campaigns, Whatsapp campaigns, Email schema, Drip campaigns, Video campaigns or Calling campaigns that would have needed seperate tools and cost for each could now be done easliy and efficiently with Zilter. Every workflow is curated to enhance your conversion rate.

Student portal

Keeping a close contact with students is key to better conversion, thus we provide a student portal and mobile app with your branding (white labelled) so you can chat, update and call your student at every step of thier journey.

Training and updates

To provide your staff get regular product and sales trainings we have created on-demand staff training module to keep your team skilfull and updated with the industry norms and regulations. This not only enhances skills and productivity it also helps you retain talant in your organisation.

One-stop ERP solution for Study Abroad agents

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Is it fair to assess a student’s quality basis recent grades?
May 17, 2020

Students globally are concerned about where will this year’s grades land them in their career? In this COVID crisis, exams in many countries ...

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Adapt or die — How HE is adapting to COVID? (International students context)
April 23, 2020

Survival of the fittest applies to all, it’s been proven right again in the unforeseen COVID situation.

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Changing the face of International student recruitment: Technology
January 29, 2018

We all have witnessed how UBER has transformed taxi industry or TripAdvisor/Trivago/Airbnb

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